Web Server Time :

27/07/2024 07:41                                 

Tokyo Time :

27/07/2024 15:41                                 

New York Time :

27/07/2024 02:41                                 

London Time :

27/07/2024 07:41                                 

Paris Time :

27/07/2024 08:41                                 

Custom Time (UTC - 12 hrs) :

26/07/2024 18:41                                 

Custom Time (UTC + 6 hrs) :

27/07/2024 12:41                                 

  • Text Propery - set this to any of the following options depending upon which time to display:
    1. "Tokyo Time" - to display the time in Tokyo.
    2. "London Time" - to display the time in London.
    3. "Paris Time" - to display the time in Paris.
    4. "New York Time" - to display the time in New York.
    5. "Custom Time:-6" - e.g. to display a custom time of 6 hours behind utc.
    6. Or omit the text property - to display the local web server time.
  • BackColour - omit property for default colour of black or select another colour via this property
  • ForeColour - omit property for default colour of yellow or select another colour via this property
  • To use the control you will require either an Ajax Enabled Website or Ajax Enabled Web Application .NET v2 0r higher.

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Last modified 23 July 2022 11:53:29

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